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Monday, 27 May 2019


Whenever I travel by bus, I always think of the Theory of Relativity to work out and just want to feel my journey would be over by a minute. Okay! possibly many have forgotten the simple example of Theory of relativity of Sir Einstein. Let me quote here, "When you sit with a nice girl for two hours you think it’s only a minute, but when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, it’s two hours. That’s relativity". And that's my wish. Ahh! Don't think that I'm a scamp, I can experience the Theory of Relativity just sitting next to the window.

That one sunny afternoon, tired me was waiting for the bus in the city. Travelling with me were, many strangers with same purpose as I, at the bus stop. The 40 degree temperature, the crowd, the honking and thirst for water had made me completely uncomfortable and was causing some sort of unpleasantness. After 15 minutes of wait, there came a bus. I got into it and somehow managed to get a window seat. A pleasure amidst the troubles. Unfortunately that pleasure didn't last long. A man! drunk,in mid 50's, loosely clothed, bit smelly sat next to me. I felt like I sat beside a hot stove which is smelling like slosh. I decided not to greet him and moved bit away from him. I guess he noticed that and made himself more comfortable on the seat and the bus took off.
I was observing the moving objects through the window and dreaming. I usually do this on a journey. This was disturbed my fellow drunk passenger. He showed me the receipt  of some showroom and asked me what is the total price written at the end of the bill. I was hesitant at first, but the innocence of his face persuaded me to reply.

me: It is 27,600 rupees

fellow-passenger( FP): Thank God! He didn't cheat me. BTW don't feel bad for disturbing you. I am                                        not that good at reading and writing.

me: Ohh!

FP: I have two sons. Since I wasn't educated, I decided to educate them.Bu they are so educated, that         they hardly remember their parents.

me: (I was wondering what to reply)

FP: Are you studying?

me: yes, Engineering!!

FP: Hmmm! , Engineer. Let me ask you a question. What is that thing you earned on your own, will           be with you  forever?

me:(It was a tough question, I thought for a while and replied) friends, might be friends.

FP: Either you leave your parents or they depart you. Even your friends might leave you or you                 might    forget them. And money, it is always temporary. Not even these things which 
       you are wearing.

me: Okay (I kept on thinking)

FP: I know you won't answer. Let me tell. It's knowledge. It will be with you forever. I haven't                   earned    it. And     I don't have much, so that is why I keep on disturbing 
       other as I did to you.

me: No No!, you haven't  disturbed me. Its Okay.

FP: I know I am drunk but what I told you is the truth.

The conductor calls out "chowki bus stop". He stood, waved bye and got out of the bus. I turned towards the window, continued observing the world beyond glass and this time I wasn't dreaming, I was thinking.